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The National Alliance was founded to unite Irish Nationalist candidates committed to a shared vision for Ireland's future. Our mission is to uphold the principles that put the Irish people and their needs first, standing firm in the battle between globalism and nationalism.


We prioritize housing for the Irish, support and protect Irish families, and are committed to ensuring the safety of our streets. We advocate for peace and Irish sovereignty, while challenging the current approach to immigration. In this era of globalist influence, we defend the right to free speech, value and protect life at all stages, and are dedicated to securing Ireland's food supply.


Our approach to the environment challenges climate alarmism with rational policies, and we promote genuine education free from indoctrination. We believe in safeguarding private property rights and supporting Irish businesses, standing against globalist forces that threaten our local economy. Additionally, we are committed to cutting funding to subversive NGOs that undermine our national interests.We stand for an Ireland that belongs to the Irish people, where our sovereignty, culture, and values are preserved and protected in the face of globalist challenges.

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